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Our privacy policy is simple:

We respect your privacy and we are committed to protecting it!

All information collected on this secure site is absolutely confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, disclosed, or loaned to any third party. We collect your information for billing and contact purposes and any information you provide to us will be used only for those purposes.

The FastDue system is to be used at your convenience. Registration is not required to create and send forms. However, you have the option to set up a secure password-protected account which allows you to view your transaction history, keep an accounts receivable ledger, run reports and save contact information in an Address Book. The My Accounts advanced features can be accessed by registering your user name and password.

Your internet browser has the in-built facility for storing small files called "cookies" that hold information which allows a website to recognize your account. Our website takes advantage of this facility to enhance your experience. We use cookies to save your password and other information so that you do not have to re-enter that information when you re-visit our site. You have the ability to prevent your computer from accepting cookies, but, if you do, certain functionality on the website may be impaired.

Our Security Precautions

FastDue.com enforces security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information in our control. Our security is among our highest priority and we review our security measures on a consistent basis. Your password is stored in an encrypted form in our database. At FastDue.com, your security is important to us. We do not share your email or other personal information with any third party.